Monday, August 18, 2008

iT's tHe tHiRd TriMesTer!

Okay so - I know that most of you know what I am talking about. I am now almost 30 weeks and man has it hit me! I am getting fat, uncomfortable and my nose! It is soo swollen! I am getting cankles (is that how you spell it?) I can’t sleep, I can’t bend over and I am sooo HOT! Oh! And I am starting to have “the dreams” you know the crazy ones that she is born and is like a three year old, or she has something wrong with her, or even just seeing a baby and trying to figure out what or who she looks like. It makes you totally crazy! BUT – I am getting so excited! We are getting here room painted today (so pic’s soon to come) I just can not believe that what we have waited for - for so long is almost here – it totally makes me cry!